The Painted Bunting is to me the prettiest bird in nature. We've been seeing a few in our neck of the woods and I finally got my binoculars on one for a while.
Adena found one dead in the road while walking the dogs. Probably hit by a car.
I came home from work yesterday to a very upset wife and two dogs that did their best against a local porcupine. (They pretty much lost.) We drove down to Blanco - calling ahead to the Vet and asking him to stay late.
$250 later, the dogs were ready to go and to my dismay the Vet told me the dogs usually don't learn too well and will more than likely do it again when given the chance.
Hank had one all the way through his tongue.
Dumb dogs.
Beauty and pain in nature. Hmmmmm. I'd love to have seen the porcupine. I bet he was a pretty animal actually.
Dogs didn't think so though.