Friday, September 21, 2007

Critters Around My Cabin

Introducing Cory the coral snake, Terri the tarantula, and Porky the porcupine... local characters that I've seen hanging around my cabin in the last couple of weeks. (I didn't get pictures of the oppossum, the squirrel, the garden spider, the skink, the lizard, etc. etc. etc.)

Tyranny of Experts

A Tyranny of Experts: How outsourcing authority demeans democracy.

...ahh, yes... Walker Percy couldn't of stated the loss of the sovereignty of man better.... at least on the global level.

My favorite quote from this article is ...
He seems to be imprisoned in the contemporary technocratic imagination, which views the expert as the solution and the people as a problem.

...wish i'd of said that.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

America's Dirty Little Secret - WE ARE MAXED OUT!

Every voter and every high school kid should be required to watch this and take notes.

America's best kept secret is out - we're all barely living on the edge of economic survival. WE ARE MAXED OUT!

Also, be sure to watch the documentary - MAXED OUT. This movie is entertaining and relevant. It made my wife very upset. She even confessed to me secret debts she had never told me about before (to the tune of about $1500).

I have watched the movie - TRON. Does this increase my geek value?