Thursday, June 26, 2008

Vincent Andrew Sanders

Monday, June 23, 2008

Rick Wilmeth's Retirement Party - Jamaica Beach

To know them is to love them.

My two favorite people sang John Prine's white trash love song and did a pretty good job too considering they'd been drinking tequila all day plus the normal one case of Busch beer for breakfast. It took me all afternoon to catch up with him.

Happy "rest of your life" Rick! Love you. (you bum)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Think. Simplify.

Death by PowerPoint

From: thecroaker, 10 months ago

Fighting death by PowerPoint... How to make a presentation and not to bore your audience to death.

SlideShare Link

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sam Hall

the man in black

I was doing some quick research on the origins of the song "Sam Hall" that Johnny Cash recorded on his 2002 CASH cd.

Ask me sometime when you come by and I'll try and sing you this song about a man cursing the crowd while he's about the hung from the gallows. I've been practicing. :)

I stumbled upon this text written of a slave turned free after forty-seven years who's name was also Sam Hall. It's a very interesting, authentic and intense read. (Wow, I just described my personal ideals)

Friday, June 6, 2008


The first poem I ever learned:

here I sit
all broken-hearted
tried to shit
but only farted

Facinated by this little diddly that I read on the inside wall of some truck-stop stall as a kid. Stuck in my mind so elequoently. I still think it's a near perfect poem. It's pretty much the only poem I could ever quote.

Remember those days when scratchings, nasty drawings and phone numbers were scrawled all over the stall walls? Those were fun days. And then you could come out to wash your hands and gawk at the little dirty machines promising sexual satisfaction for her that only cost like $.50? I always kind of wondered what little things were in there for only two quarters.

I was always curious to call one of those phone numbers and see if anybody really answered, too. I pretty much figured it was all a scam though and didn't want to waste the money or take the chance of making a call. I was always curious though. It was fun being curious and facinated about what things might lie beyond these numbers and machines and in the hearts and activities of the people who did these things.

I usually didn't stick around in these bathrooms too long. They were always kind of scary and dirty.

Now-a-days in big cubicle-ridden corporate professional America, there are no scrawlings on the bathroom walls. At least not here at my work. Grown men go into these stalls and fart big and loud and make disgusting sounds and nobody there snickers or laughs or says a thing. We all quickly do our business, wash our hands, and quickly come and go with very sober faces.

One of these days I'm going to shout out to one of these stall members, "Hey, keep it down in there will ya!?"

Then I'll have to hold my snicker as I rush back to my cubicle to hide.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

13 Things I've Found to be True

  1. What you decided at 10 years of age is pretty much who you are now.
  2. Beauty is more important than truth.
  3. All the hard questions can be answered by looking at the context of the question.
  4. Better to listen than to speak.
  5. Those concerned about the existence of God are on the left and right sprectrums of the bell curve of wealth - those without are hoping for good to prevail, those WITH have the time and freedom to wonder is Good prevails, and those in the middle are struggling in the balance (thereby consumed by the world around them.) (not REAL sure about this one either)
  6. If you spill your drink, you've already drunk enough.
  7. If you walk sideways, you know you are drunk.
  8. The purpose of life is to have as much sustainable joy/fun as possible. (? - This one I'm not sure about.)
  9. Its ok to cuss if no one's around to hear you.
  10. Everything that lives fights to survive - even hummingbirds.
  11. There is no good and evil outside of the context in which it is discussed.
  12. The context above is usually time or the subjectivity of the experience.
  13. To get a cramp out of your leg calf, get out of bed, stand on that leg and force your heel to the ground. It will ease.