driving to work this morning, i saw a dead deer hanging from a fence by her foot.... apparently she caught her foot in the barbed wire during the night and died... after passing her, feeling bad, i realized i hadn't seen her yesterday - and i usually spot all carcasses along RR 12 here in texas - so i turned around to go back and check...
...sure enough she was alive still... i could tell the minute i saw her eyes.
i pulled over next to her, she struggled and jumped some, trying vainly to pull free... she didn't have a lot of energy left... i could see she wasn't injured too bad, with a scratch on her free leg and her other hoof tightly entangled in the twisted barbed wire.
i jumped the fence to the other side and tried to pull the wire apart, but it was too tightly embedded into her foot... i found a rock and twisted the wire just enough. she pulled loose and quickly hobbled along the fence frightened and somehow jumped back over the same fence and ran into the field wobblingly from which she came.
she didn't look in too good of shape, but not in too bad of shape either. her leg looked like it was out of socket and stuck out awkwardly... hopefully it will pop back in. i think she'll be alright though.
i continued on to work... amazed again that so many animals die along this road. i have a t-shirt that jokingly says "Ranch Road 12 - Carrion the Tradition" with a vulture on it speading its wings.... there's lots of dead animals along this road and apparently people driving past this one all morning thought it was also just another dead animal along Ranch Road 12...
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