Today is "Ethics Day" at the company I work for. They left on our desks a wrist-bracelet-rubber-band that says so. They have an ethics quiz you can take also.
Questions are things like:
1) One of your team managers has had a few too many drinks at your team's holiday party at a local restaurant—she’s loudly telling the group an inappropriate story. Is her behavior just fine because she’s at an off-site, non-Company event?
a. Yes, since the party is outside of work, the Code of Conduct doesn't apply.
b. No, because your manager’s behavior should set an example for the team.
2) Your bank account shows that your payroll deposit from [your company] is unusually large. It’s probably best to:
a. Use the extra money for your upcoming vacation.
b. Send a note to your manager asking her to look into your monthly statements.
c. Call the [Company] Ethics hotline.
d. Give the money to charity.
2)b or c
But I've been thinking about the ethical questions that I really have to deal with and I decided to write my own Ethics quiz. Here it is:
Ethics Quiz (real issues that i struggle with daily)
1. A lady in a few cubicles down from me has a big bowl of Hershey's kisses on her desk next to her opening. It looks like they're available for anyone. I've never met her or talked to her face-to-face. She's not in her cubicle and i walk by and really want a piece of chocolate.
Is it right or wrong of me to reach in there and grab one? What if she came around the corner and saw me?
2. There's a nice litte poster notice on the bulletin board in main hall that says something like: "Kickboxing: A few of us get together for excercise and kickboxing fun in room 242 every Wednesday at 9:00. Anyone is welcome to join us."
I'm real tempted to scribble on there when no one is looking: "Yeah, and we'll kick the shit out of you too."
It would be funny. But would that be the right thing to do?
3. I am supposed to work 8 hours a day and I'm scheduled for 8 and a half (to take a half hour lunch.) Most always I eat at my desk and kinda do work at the same time. I've been leaving earlier (and earlier) each day since i figure i probably can knock off that half-hour. But now its starting to get a little fuzzy whether i'm now actually working a full 8 hours or not.
Should I:
A. Let it be fuzzy and leave as early as I can each day?
B. Count only the time that I'm actually chewing food as time when i'm not working?
C. Stay here a full 8 and half hours, and look like i'm working the whole time? (eat and do other things as much as i want)
1)a.right b.don't make eye-contact
3)A, B, or C
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