Living the life that every boy dreams of.
These are the things of Steve Irwin.
One thousand years into the future, with whatever Christian/Catholic/World-Religion evolves, I hope that Steve Irwin will be designated as a Saint for all mankind. He should be.
I hope they make little statues of him and place them on dashboards and have little shrines to St. Irwin. His image should include a snake around his neck, a crocodile along-side him, and a lizard in one hand and a bird in the other with maybe a monkey or a koala bear on his back. He should be gazing forward with a courageous but loving look and a wide-eyed wonder for all things alive.
I would vote for him for Sainthood if I could. He could replace St. Francis of Assisi.
And whatever creatures we have left running around in whatever minimal wilderness we might have left at that time - we could then pray to and thank our God for the inspiration left behind by Saint Steve Irwin for all the future ages to come.
May wildlife continue for as long as man rules this earth.
God Bless Steve Irwin.
(And may God have mercy on what's left of our wildlife.)