Monday, September 18, 2006

Notes From an Underground Drunk

I'm being channeled

Lesson #1:
[set to music]

Rule #2
It don't matter how far it goes out, as long as it comes back

I'd hate to impregnate the third hippy (infiltration, revolution) generation

I never had so much fun in 10 years

"No. I [am] stronger than Adam."

One of the major rules of the game is - "If you're not that good - step off to the sidelines."

How can I be so romanticized by the hippie legend?

I'll do that because I'm robotic enough.

I'd rather have something 5 times as good, than 5 things 1 times as good.

The trick is to live like you could not live tomorrow.

Everyone wants to get away from everywhere they're feeling watched.

Which would you rather be?
Samson or Delilah?
- for to me.

I hope that was a good enough excuse - I was drunk!

I can't decide till tomorrow (laugh)

The '70s: We realized it wasn't gonna work - so we just got high. ('it' referring to the 60's revolution)

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