Thursday, January 3, 2008

Motto for the year - "LIVE DELIBERATELY"

New year's Resolutions
  • Don't sit thru any more commercials on TV
  • Unravel the God knot
  • Don't get flustered

Don't sit thru any more commercials on TV

Broadcast TV has gotten beyond endurable. This year everything I watch will be
  1. quick flipping thru channels to see if anything is on, then STOPPING! - Off button!
  2. recorded on my DVR
  3. played from a disk

Unravel the God knot

I don't mean "solve the mystery of God", I mean figure out a world view that I can live with that consolidates my Christian heritage with honesty and practical life

Don't get flustered

I freeze up and don't think properly when people jump frenziedly and ask me some technical question that happens to be nowhere near where my mind is at in the moment - or when I'm spaced out in a meeting and all eyes turn to me expectantly - or when the boss jumps in front of me and again asks some question that my mind doesn't immediately wrap around.

The flawed assumption is of course that the boss has been thinking about it for awhile and since you're the technical expert, the matter can be flung into your face and you can bounce back - kind of like punching your dad in the face with your fist since he was a boxer and it shouldn't hurt - which I actually did once as a little kid. (My Dad's smile soured immediately as he set me down to the floor and walked away.)

From now on - Stop. Breath. Count two seconds. Look the person into the face. Study their face. Be silent. Try and figure what they really want. Pause. Proceed deliberately.

My motto for the year is to "LIVE DELIBERATELY"

My wife bought me a rock for Christmas with Thoreau's first part of a great quote carved into it.
It says, "I went into the woods, because I wanted to live deliberately"

I've posted it just inside my front gate at my little cabin in the woods.


  1. Ahhhhhhhh.

    The sound of a soul waking up.

    I'm often reminded of your "Aaaah." You mean it in a way that simultaneously says "That is simply sweet" and "I hear you brother."

    I wonder if that's not God's own "Aaaah" resonating in us, through us.

    Whatever the case, your musings, your questions, your search is ultimately more meaningful to me than a thousand experts singing in unison "This is the answer. We have it now. Sit back and relax in front of your screens."

  2. dude... you are definitely a poet ... thanks for the positve feedback...and yeah..maybe that ahhhhh thing is God's own.
