I have some backwoods country folk friends that hate squirrels. They HATE, HATE, HATE squirrels. If you say the word "squirrel" around any of the family they will immediately let out a barrage of profanities about "tree rats", "varmints", and a series of why-it-is-good-to-kill-anything-that-might-interfere-with-your-garden-or-attic lectures.
I mean these people are obsessed. It is very comical. When I hear a gunshot in the neighborhood I assume it is one of them killing a squirrel.
The other day I heard the dad chewing out the son for shooting a squirrel and not even throwing the carcass over the fence. The son apologized and promised to not leave it lying in the garden next time.
Actually, I'm surprised he threw the carcass away at all, because I know this young man likes to eat dead squirrel. I've shot and ate squirrels a bunch in my younger days.
So I culled a few facts from the web.
There does exist at least one Squirrel hatred group.
Squirrels are considered one of the 10 most intelligent animals on the planet.
Squirrels live in symbiosis with oak trees and are most responsible for their successful propagation across North America.
Squirrel brains are good to eat with scrambled eggs for breakfast. (According to many observations made by Adena watching her grandparents in early Alabama mornings.)
Personally, I like squirrels. I think they are cute and playful. One scraggly-tailed one my wife has named Alvin came up to me this morning and barked at me all sassy like - till my dogs came and chased him away.
Squirrels are cool. Spread the word.
word to that
ReplyDeletespread the gospel.... squirrels are cool people