Thanks Mr. Shapiro for calling Americans what we have surely shown to the world that we are - petty, disloyal, and short-visioned. Why Americans are so shallow as to place all the hopes, blames, and problems upon a single man - the President - is beyond me.
I hope Americans grow up and stop looking for a father-figure to solve their own problems. Unfortunately, Obama has taken his new post on that very platform - that things have been very bad for us and now "change" has come in the form of a black messiah.
I guess we'll find out soon enough. I hope Obama remembers how fast the public turned on Bush from a 90% approval to 20% over matters mostly beyond his control.
Americans should be proud that we have come such a long way that we can elect a black President. We should be ashamed again for our past for so easily disdaining a man like George W. Bush.
What Bush had NO CONTROL over!
ReplyDelete1) The almost near collapse of Wall Street, of the Clinton-exit years of the DOT.COM bust. The billions and billions of dollars investors lost due to unprotected regulation. Thx Clinton.
2) 911. Self-explanatory unless you fit in the category that Bush concocted the scheme himself. THE WORLD TRADE CENTERS are the buildings that fell. Have you forgotten?? Do you even understand what that means?? Instead of raising taxes (i.e. typical democrat immediate response) a stimulus check was dished out to ALL MIDDLE CLASS AND LOWER. Don't know how the rich got richer, but hooo-ra.
3) Enron. The shame of Houston Texas racketeering billions and drop-kicking the economy in the face. Unless you link Bush to Texas and thats his fault also! Still taxes were cut and somehow the economy came back strong. If a worldwide company pulls maneuvers like that many jobs will be lost...but Bush really deserves that blame!!
4) The pathetic-ness of the United Nations!!! These guys were pussies. Saddam Hussein ran circles around them. NEVER gave them anything or listened to anything they had to say! Bullied them to the point of Bush finally taking the stand. Remember U-day and Qusay..Saddams maniac sons. Watch the Saddam history channel special. Meat-grinders, systematic rapes and torture rooms of innocent POOR people. I guess Bush drove them to it!! Saddam was hanged!! I blame Bush!!! lol
5) Tsunami in Indonesia. A worldwide outreach of hundreds of millions dollars OUR economy helped pay for. The uncannyness of our resources to help them people. Yet the economy still flourished. Lets remember HOME OWNERSHIP which reached an ALLTIME high under Bush. Never before had it ecliped under the 5% interest rate. Which was at 22% in the early 80's.
6) Hurricane Katrina, Rita, and four hurricanes that slammed Florida back to back. Katrina for sure is the stand out. Sure the 'lack' of response was significant. But...I live on an island. All city-state have hurricane outlines and disaster plans already in place for such emergencies. The local gov't has ALL the blame. Over 500 school buses sitting flooded in a parking lot...darn you Bush, shame shame.
7) The complete lack of help of the democrats who self assuredly did everything possible to make this presidency the worst they could. Shame on them. The hope for the worst for their benefit. I think obama is a douche, but I still hope he does positive. I mean, the Muslim faith is counting on it!!
8) Back to Iraq. It should be understood that Bush couldn't 'go alone' on this topic. Yes he made the decision to go in. A tough decision to make for sure. And so be it.
I have more, just tired of typing...Tone