Monday, June 1, 2009

Fun Things To Do While Camping Out

I’m trying to think about some things we could do next year to make our Blanco Brethren Intelligentsia Christian Beer Bash (BBIC beer bash) a little more memorable. I'm looking for ideas and wanted to brainstorm a few of them here.

Pitch in and give me some ideas. The only requirement is it has to be actually doable and believable.

  • For starters, we'll need a keg of beer next time. We should spend a lot of time anguishing that the keg will not be enough and calculate many times how many ounces per day everybody gets before we tap it.

  • We can drink and buy other beer till the last member shows up and then we'll open up bottles of whiskey and vodka and drink that instead.

  • We'll need some general not too intelligent discussions on nearly non-resolvable topics like GOD, POLITICS, and HOW TO RAISE CHILDREN.

  • I think lots of blood-curdling free-style singing easily heard for miles up and down the valley would be enjoyed by all.

  • We should have at least one or two brawls at the height of drunkenness. We should include some life threatening shouting and at least one tent getting busted up and maybe even a nice guitar getting smashed beyond repair. That'd be cool.

  • We should go on at least one long hike (10 miles) over rough river rock with a mixture of swimming and climbing and thrashing through wilderness. We should take the dogs for fun. This should prepare us for by-passing the keg of beer and going straight to the whiskey and vodka.

  • Let's plan on somebody getting lost - preferably at night while completely drunk. We’ll call him 'dumb-ass'. He can wonder up and down the river bed not sure of direction or which side of river camp is on. The rest of the folks should be bedded down totally not caring.

  • First thing in the morning we can ask each other, "Hey, where's 'dumb-ass' ? Is he alive? What a dumb-ass."

  • On one night someone needs to sleep out on a big rock in the river bed. This could be the same 'dumb-ass' or not. In the morning we can call him "Man-Who-Sleeps-on-Rock."

  • We should generally lose lots of equipment and supplies. Things like cigarettes, bandanas, eye-glasses (these should be repeatedly stepped on, lost and found and stepped on again) and other trivial things. We should somehow misplace and never find a watermelon.

  • With all the lost items, we'll need someone throwing out some paranoiac expressions and accusations like "hey who took my cigarettes?" and "hey, why are you guys ganging up on me?" and "hey, has anybody seen that watermelon I brought?"

  • Last but not least, we'll need someone on the last night to really guzzle the whiskey and all through the night they should wail and moan and cry out in the night to God in fits of rage, anguish, and pain. Ideally, this will wake the sober people enough that they will worry and not sleep. This should sound like demon-possession akin to wailing and gnashing of teeth as hell is described.

These things along with a few injuries like described in last post - especially someone falling into the cacti - should set us up for some real fun.

What do you think?


  1. I do believe when Josh, Pat and I went to pick up Mitch and Jon, Pat grabbed the watermelon and put it in the back seat of Joshs car...look into it!!!! I

  2. ahhhhh.... you weren't supposed to use real names.... and pretend this was stuff we're going to do next time..... ahhhh..... me and my paranoid friends feel exposed..... like sunlight to a vampire.... like superman exposed to kryptonite.... i'm melting...


  3. what real names??? I didn't use mine!!! I lol

  4. I discovered the watermelon in the back of my car when I arrived back in Austin. I remember Pat putting it back there when we went to go pick up Mitch and Yank, but promptly forgot.

    I will say this: That was one of the best damn watermelons I have ever had. I still have some in my fridge. Shall I have it overnighted to you?

  5. Come to think of it, we never did make it out the gate. Seems to me some "swamp mama" cut us off and forced us back onto the ranch. Oh well, sounds like the melon went to good use.

  6. wut bout' we needz to motivate or PUSH a brethren like on a rope or sumthen o'er dere don yonder...I chief T

  7. You mean give him a rope to hang on to? I like just rolling 'em over the bank like before. They wake up and never know the difference anyway.

    So the mystery of the watermelon myth was true... ? wow.... thought it just legend.

  8. lmao2 ..... we had the best time... I feel for any man on this planet that doesn't get to do this once in a while.

    Just finished reading a book by John Eldredge, believe it or not because my actual doctor perscribed it to me.... called "Wild at Heart" ... turns out.... men are just boys that got bigger.

    Look it up and read it all you Christian men who have trouble being just plain men.
