Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Reading Paul in a Postmodern Context

In the face of a disconnected world
    where home is a domain in cyberspace
    where neighbourhood is a chat room
    where public space is a shopping mall
    where information technology promises
    a tuned in, reconnected world
        all things hold together in Christ
        the creation is a deeply personal cosmos
            all cohering and interconnected in Jesus

...just a small cut n' paste from Brian J. Walsh in an a remixing of the epistle of Colossians from the apostle Paul.

...i don't know if this is how Paul would say it today, but it does touch a nerve at least on my present despair... i thought it an interesting note also that at the top of the booklist from the leading post-modern Christian spokesman is Walker Percy's non-fiction, Message in a Bottle. it's a book on semiotics and communications and finding meaning with others through the mystery of words. (it's an ok read and interesting... just strange to find it here... hmmmmmmm what's the connection?.... i continually find myself reading the sign-posts in life - looking for clues.... oddly enough, they seem to pop up with some kind of synchronicity.)

...incidently, the full title is The Message in the Bottle: How Queer Man is, How Queer Language Is, and What One Has to Do With the Other by Walker Percy

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