Friday, February 23, 2007

Why I don’t want Burnett Ranch Turned into Another Subdivision

  1. I hate subdivisions
  2. Less water for everybody
  3. Subdivisions suck
  4. If I wanted to look out my window into someone else's window, I would move back to suburbia
  5. Burnett Ranch wasn't meant to turn into suburbia
  6. I like walking to my neighbor's house and it taking longer than 30 seconds
  7. I like wildlife
  8. I'd rather see deer, raccoons, rabbits and foxes, than concrete, driveways, roofs, cars, and bulldozers
  9. Enough is enough
  10. I lived in tract homes and didn't like it
  11. Trees are better than buildings and concrete
  12. I'm looking for a peaceful co-existence with neighbors and nature
  13. I am not looking for a peaceful co-existence with developers, businessmen and real estate profiteers that live somewhere else
  14. I clear cedar and own and live on the property I bought and want others to be able to experience that same joy
  15. I believe in clearing, working and living on your own land - a way of life nearly extinct
  16. Bulldozers destroy nature, they don't make it
  17. I'm sick of living elbow-to-elbow with commonly designed housing projects designed by some developer for his benefit
  18. I moved to Burnett Ranch to live different than the 99% of Americans - is that so wrong?
  19. I like nature
  20. I hate subdivisions, tract homes, "custom"-housing-that-looks-the-same and grieve the loss of the last bit of American frontierism which is still alive in Burnett Ranch
  21. People buying property to chop up into smaller units to sell most likely aren't planning on living here and planting a garden and becoming a good neighbor
  22. Light pollution from the concentration of homes blots out that pretty starry night I've gotten used to seeing
  23. I seriously dislike traffic
  24. Hays County already has water wells going dry. How much more water do you think is down there?
  25. A good thing is a good thing is a good thing. The style of living and the size of lots existing in Burnett Ranch provide a good thing. This good thing will erode away once we start allowing the further subdividing of the existing land into smaller and smaller suburban-style lots.