Friday, May 29, 2009

Need a Little More Physicality

Well, the 2nd Annual Blanco Brethren Intelligentsia Christian Beer Bash is over and has come off without a hitch. I super enjoyed the horse-shoe pitching contest, the chess tournament and watching the Nietzsche documentary. That sure stimulated a lot of late night deep thought, huh? I wish I'd of taken notes.

I was a little disappointed we didn't do anything much physical this year. So, I propose next year we plan on at least a little bit of rowdiness so our wives don't think we're gay.

I've come up with a list of injuries that I think we can shoot for and use as a gauge for this goal next year. Here's the list. I'll take items #2 - #4 and let you guys pick between the rest of them.

If you think this is too ambitious, please email me.

1. Fractured or dislocated shoulder
2. Cracked rib
3. Head wound/bruise from rolling down rocks
4. Well-scraped knee
5. Choking to near unconsciousness
6. Twisted ankle - preferably an ankle that's been reconstructed from a previous injury.... and preferably during the furthest point out on a long-ass wilderness journey like five miles from anything
7. Dog injury - something that requires vet attention
8. Close to death incident where someone falls out of a moving truck - preferably with some large heavy iron object that could bust your head open or break off a leg
9. Major chigger bite infestation - preferably concentrated in the groin area
10. Leg scrapes and cuts from hiking
11. Leg scrapes and cuts from falling over rocks
12. Leg and general body scrapes and bruises from a drunken brawl
13. Someone needs to fall into a large bed of cactus, roll around some, destroy the cactus, and not complain about all the needles embedded through-out - classic cartoon fun

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Farmer Whitetrash Teaches Gardening Safety

Cousin Willie Basso, a.k.a. Farmer Whitetrash, shares his secret gardening tips and has a little fun in the process. --- This is episode 3 and probably the last since Willie has lip cancer.

Happy composting y'all!
-- signed Whiteboy McCoy (Willie's cool cousin)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Blanco Brethren - 2nd Annual Intelligensia Beer Bash

Woo - hoo !!!!!

Blanco Brethren - 2nd Annual Intelligensia Christian Beer Bash
Coming up weekend of May 22, 23, 24 !!!!

First announcement:

Beer will be DEVIL'S BACKONE beer from Real Ale down the Blanco river in Blanco, Tx. A keg will be ready upon arrival of the intelligensia.

Devil's Backbone (spring release) draught only
Named for the scenic ridge that runs between Blanco and Wimberley, Devil's Backbone is a Belgian-style tripel. Czech Saaz hops and Belgian yeast give this ale its distinctive flavor and aroma. Candy sugar made in-house at the brewery adds strength without increasing heaviness. The result is a deceptively strong, pale golden ale.
ABV: 8.1%, IBU: 36, OG(plato): 18

Second announcement:

Friday we are planning an all day (hopefully one-way hike) to the bottom of the Narrow's. This is a 5 mile over rough rock terrain mixed with swimming to the most one of the most rugged middle-of-nowhere spots in Texas. Bring your hiking boots. Be ready to rough it.

Third announcement:

The only requirement on the agenda is we have to write and record us singing and playing guitars and other instruments (available here) ONE SONG.

We have to write it.

We have to record ourselves playing it.

Fourth announcement:

Everyone bring one meal please and appropriate equipment for personal comfort and saftey.

Call me, the Big Kahuna, if you have any questions.

Monday, May 11, 2009

See the Three Leaves? - Farmer Whitetrash sez, "Kill the poison ivy!"

Well cousin Willie was thrilled to hear that 1 out of the 3 people that responded said they were NOT totally disgusted with the Farmer Whitetrash HO HO HO Show. So unfortuneately, that's all the encouragement 'ole Willie Basso needed.

Here's another one he did and sent to me today. He's says he didn't have nothing else to do except kill poison ivy so "what the hell.... I'll record it."

Ray Wylie Hubbard (a good friend and neighbor) was kind enough to let us use his 'Purgatory Road' song as a soundtrack ..... which of course is the road Farmer Whitetrash Willie lives on.

Of course we didn't really ask Ray Wylie Hubbard if we could use his song..... but he's pretty cool and he'll probably post a comment letting us know one way 'twar the other.

That ok with you Ray?

Love, Peace Joy to you all. And Death to Poison Ivy.

Mitch 'Whiteboy McCoy' Sanders

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Farmer Whitetrash - Willie Basso

My cousin, Willie Basso who's from my backwoods part of the family discovered he could make videos. He's known locally as "Farmer Whitetrash" and he called me the other day saying he had an idea to make money by making "how to garden" videos and selling them on the internet.

I told him that probably wasn't a good idea but I gave in to him and said I'd at least post his video on the web and see what kinds of responses he gets.

Feel free to leave honest comments to him below about the viability of cousin Willie "Farmer Whitetrash" Basso making money doing videos.

Can you count your sins?

Going over the concepts in my last blog, I'm basically saying that defining sin is very fuzzy nowadays. So much so that I don't know that I (or you) can actually pinpoint a sin or two during the normal day.

I would like to be able to know if and when and how I sin when I sin.

The old sins of sex and getting drunk and hating people don't apply anymore. I have sex when I want, I drink whatever I want and pretty much to whatever extent I care to without feeling I'm sinning and I don't hate anybody. So I'm not sinning those ways.

I'm not murdering, stealing, cheating, lying, or fornicating with other women.

I guess I could stretch a few things like when I go faster than the speed limit sign of 65 and I go 70. Maybe technically that's some kind of sin. On the books it is illegal. But on a freeway with everybody around you going at least 70 - 75 mph, you are almost a hazaard trying to go slower. In fact it just don't seem right to NOT go the average safe speed that those around you seem to be going.

So where are my sins? What wrongs do I do that Jesus gave sacrificed his blood to God for?

I got one.

The other day I got an email from a person who did some work. I thought about email my boss communicating the work was done without copying the guy who did the work, thus hinting (sort of) that maybe I did the work.

The pursuit of self-glory. That's feel like sinful.

I don't remember if I actually did it or not, but that's about the only thing I can think of in my life recently that I would consider a sin.

Can you remember your sins?

Can you count your sins?

Can you even name one?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sins - Can You Count Them?

I've been thinking a lot about sin lately and trying to figure out just exactly what sins I commit on a day-to-day basis.... truthfully, I search my soul and have a hard time finding any. I was always taught that I'm practically sinning every minute in someway or another, if not by actually doing a sin, at least by NOT doing something I should be doing - sins of omission.

This is why we all need the blood of Jesus to forgive us of our sins so God can look upon a sinless person who died and appropriate in His checkbook our debt to this payment.

I was also taught that even if I'm not sinning right now, I still need this blood payment because I surely sinned sometime in my past and besides that I was just plain born with sin somehow already marked on my soul genetically because my parents and their parents all the way back to Adam and Eve also sinned.

That concept was called Original-Sin and was created by Saint Augustine in the 5th century A.D. and accepted by the church ever since.

One of the few exceptions was by an intellectual lawyer turned preacher in the 18th (?) century name Charles Finney. He rationally explained away the whole silliness of Original-Sin and I've been satisfied that the concept is bogus ever since.

So, I'm back to my daily sins to find my guilt - and my continued need for blood payment (I know this is bordering on blasphemy here for evangelicals, but I'm trying to just be logical and honest here.)

So, can I clarify my sins enough to the point that I can be conscious of them?

Can I actually COUNT my sins? Like through the day?

It gets real fuzzy. And the older I get the less sins I seem to do.

Let's start with really the only one people really have trouble with - sex.

Hey, I've been married for 30 years and somehow have avoided the pitfalls of betraying her. I can have sex with her just about anytime I like. I've taught myself to avoid looking and lusting after other women, though I can't say I haven't looked and appreciated sexiness or even lusty body parts of women, but I don't feel I'm battling sinful thoughts at all. What does pass through my mind I just don't feel accountable or guilty for it.

Well this is a dangerous thought, and for sure doesn't negate the powerful death-dealing results that can come from having sex with someone other than your designated for life mate. Lord knows how many family lives have been soiled and ruined by sexual unfaithfulness outside of their mate.

But still, maybe because I'm older or maybe just because I'm successfully habituated to not doing it - don't on any kind of a day by day basis sin this way. It may be over a decade even. I mean very few times have I allowed myself to indulge my imagination with sexual encounters consciously.

Now, I've had sleeping dreams of such a nature, so it's not that I'm too weird. I just strongly am committed to my wife and have an innate fear of losing her if I screwed up (pun not intended.)

But surely you can't actually do sins in your dreams that would require forgiveness at the cost of the blood sacrifice of Deity, can you?

[more to say on this subject - because I think I did sin the other day and want to tell about it.]