Thursday, July 10, 2008

Terms I Am Sick of Hearing

Terms at the office I've really gotten sick of hearing:

"Deep-Dive" - supposedly means when someone is really going to spend some time getting into the technical aspects of a certain problem. Translates better as "I don't know. I'd have to get someone else to figure that out." Sometimes this term is used to put off non-technical people vaguely meaning "I don't care to try and explain it to you."

"Push-Back" - supposedly a high level term for when one department is requested to do something from another department and they have reason not to or require clarity. Used a lot when the requestor doesn't understand what he's asking for in the first place.

"Churn" - Emails, phone calls and conversations back and forth engaging many higly paid people to accomplish nothing other than "feeling" like they've accomplished something. Used reluctently buy often by the few people involved in the churn that actually could be accomplishing something.

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