Friday, November 9, 2007

The poor dude has nails through his hands and feet.

After some further email exchanges with my well-respected atheist friend where he just kind of rails about 'the problem of evil' issue he wrote me this nice little summation which is kind of nice I thought:


I always say that if there is a god then he’s a real asshole for what he’s allowed his children to do to each other and the earth. Personally, I don’t want to be associated with this type of being, omnipotent or not. And White Jesus is a lie. Hell all of Christianity is just elements of past religions. Other religions are slightly more appealing (other than Islam) but none more unappealing then the symbol of a guy being tortured on a cross. Do you ever think of that. Just look at that image and forget all the weird justifications and stories. Just look at the image and think to yourself, how can this be anything good? The poor dude has nails through his hands and feet. Look at how popular the Mel Gibson movie was.. sick..


  1. Jesus spent a little over 33 years or so on the earth. Minus off 2 days of torture!! Your main point is based on that!!!???? 2 days??? Wow, how upsetting! How about we add hundreds of miracles if not thousands. Yet, most who bash would rather focus on the couple of days of pain Jesus went through. How many other people EVER in history has EVER taken it upon themselves to stand up and say, I AM GOD, AND I WILL BEAR YOUR SINS ON THIS CROSS!!! Just one. And only one. But God is not an asshole for that. He's a genius for it. He PROVED what power HE had by doing what he did. Proof in the pudding type of thing!!!

  2. If it will forgive the whole history of the world of all their sins and I can raise from in 3 days and have the highest honors ever given to a man in history - I would volunteer for that extreme torture and death upon a cross. I would do it. (it wouldn't be easy and i might whine and cry to change my mind during it of course)

    But yes, I would.

    I'm a man (not God), but I WILL BEAR YOUR SINS ON THIS CROSS!!!

    If that saves mankind from everlasting punishment ... you bet.

    Nail me down.
