Friday, November 2, 2007

Two Sources of Truth: Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition

******* Email Repsonse from my friend John in Chicago ********************

Just wanted to get back to you with some ideas
Thought filled considerate compassionate and on fire rhetoric
First and probably essential to my thought process of God is that there are two sources of Truth
Sacred scripture and Sacred Tradition
2nd I have chosen to accept the teaching of the Apostles and their successors
3rd my confidence rests on historical foundation of the literature commonly accepted and taught throughout the world
Some conclusions are an accurate assessment of reality
Some conclusions are my impressions of the meanings of this information
Delusions developed by my imagination or created for me by misunderstanding Truth
These are my perceptions, as inaccurate and flawed as the case maybe
I hope I am not being abstract or evasive am I ????
So too the big IF does lay in the back of my mind any way
Perhaps this is just an illusion?????
However, the foundation of the entire idea of God is FAITH I think don't you???
So then there must be even an incling of this Faith to be earnestly and honestly pursuing God
Otherwise we proceed from this vantage point into imagination and illusion
I recall reading John Paul Sartre and William Percy
But does this bore you ??sorry if it does. I'll drop it.
Moving into the arena of Faith I find myself swept away by my presumption
The unexplainable taken at the simple words handed down to us by those who gave their very own blood and suffering for this Truth which they died for
Jesus himself the prime suffering one the bearer of that great God we all long to know
The tangible of the intangible the visible of the invisible
His word more carefully chosen than my own will ever be
He is the One revealer of all that is good all that is Truth
Sorry I'm on fire Hope that you didn't get burned

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