Thursday, March 20, 2008

I asked Moon/God/Other for a Revelation

FIRST REVELATION: What White America doesn't understand is that Black America has a deep wound that hasn't fully healed.

SECOND REVELATION: If you concentrate on the form, you'll lose the essence.

I asked Moon/God/Other this morning for a revelation that I could keep. I got back two.

The first I realized when a Black Church came to our Church a few months back. It was a fellowship yearly agreement between our little country White Church and an Austin urban Black Church that goes back more than 20 years. The preacher wailed and preached and talked in metaphorical language that went over the heads of most White folks there. He talked about overcoming a harsh dark oppression that weighs heavily on the Black man's soul. (But he didn't SAY Black. He assumed it. He was talking around most of the Whites - like Black people are sooooo good at. It's a learned art I'm sure.)

He touched my soul and made me realize that there still exists a painful wound deep in the heart of this Black preacher, of every Black person there shouting 'Amen', and of Black culture in general. They understand this deep wounded psyche and it haunts them still.

To most White people the Black slavery episode is long gone and over with. Even prejudices in White culture has decayed into a sort of of squeamish "White Guilt" where we can't even hardly acknowledge "Blackness" or "Whiteness" and look a person in the eye - White or Black.

Like someone said, "You may be done with your past, but your past isn't done with you."

My second revelation has also been a long time coming - but it flashed into words again this morning. It is that Zen balancing act of awareness that all mystics seek. It applies to God/Religion, Martial Arts (live fighting/learned forms), and all knowledge and wisdom that can pursed into words. More can be said, but a lot less should be. If you focus on it, it is gone. If you see it, it disappears. If you hold on to it, you lose it. Blah, blah blah... :)

Actually, a third revelation also came/was-given to me.

THIRD REVELATION: My soul is living or dying NOW.

(Stir all 3 into a bowl and bake for 30 minutes, then send me a self-addressed stamped envelope for your officially approved "Mystic Certificate.")

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